I Love reading. No two ways about it, I love it. For me, reading is a way to explore new worlds, put myself in situations that I wouldn’t dare to in real life and be able to think about how I would get out of them, experience intense relationships with characters who, in real life, I’d be too scared to approach. Reading is a journey into the unknown.
A good story, written by a writer who is confident with their words, at home in their genre and comfortable with their characters can make you weep, whoop for joy or shout with anger. I’ve done all of these things when reading books, often in the most inconvenient places, such as the train on the way to work, or the canteen surrounded by work colleagues.
I aspire one day to be a writer, don’t we all! But my life and my job have proved to be too hectic for me to pursue this dream at present (perhaps an excuse to cover up my fear of failure, another excuse to save me from the rejection which, inevitably, every writer must face one day), and so in lieu of being a writer ‘proper’, I have become a blogger of books.
I’d like to share with you, the reader, the books I have loved, the books I have found to be lacking, the books which I believe are just mediocre and those little gems which I have discovered hiding in realms of the unpublished or indie published. I aim to be honest in my reviews but to certainly not give away any plot spoilers or information which may ruin the story for other readers. Where there is any danger of this occurring, I will warn you first.
Occasionally, I will also focus on graphic novels and audiobooks. My reading is not limited to the time I can spend sat reading, I read and absorb stories at every possible opportunity and in every possible way. Some scoff at audiobooks, but I find them to be truly a great way to experience a writers work, even when you don’t have time to devote to sitting and reading it.
I hope you enjoy reading my reviews. Feel free to comment and if you’d like me to review something that you have written, become a guest blogger or merely want to get in touch then please do feel free. I’d prefer it if you didn’t troll though, there is much too much hatred in the world for me to be fielding it and experiencing it doing something that I love.